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BARTLETT HISTORIC SOCIETY         PO Box 514 - 13 School St.

            Bartlett, NH 03812

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Wreck at Dismal Pool - 1952

This little article was found by this editor on a Facebook post in October 2021.  The article by itself is not remarkable but it finally confirms what I always thought was a myth, since I could never find factual evidence.  Namely, "That there is at least one box car down in the Dismal Pool near the Crawford Notch Gateway".

2021-10-10_Dismal Pool wreck 1952.jpg
2021 10 10 Boxcar in Dismal Pool area_wreck 1950s.jpg

Ironically, on the same day I found the article, these pictures from down in Dismal Pool appeared on another Face book post by Hutch Hutchinson of Salem, Ma.  He discovered them on a little family Hike.  October 2021. 


You can find his post on facebook at:


Who knows how far you might have to scroll to                                              find it...haha

This editor would like to thank the photographer for settling this story in my mind.  Now I know it is fact...not myth.

2021 10 10 Boxcar in dismal pool 1950s.jpg

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This website is managed and edited by Dave Eliason who spent the best part of the last 75 years living in Bartlett.   Dave's comments


Your input of any kind is welcome.  Stories, Pictures, Remembrances, errors in articles or anything else that might be occupying your mind. 


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Jan 10=0

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