EDITOR'S NOTE Dave Eliason: About 30 years ago I took an interest in local history. With the advent of the internet it was made relatively easy to explore various historic topics.
Since my memory was not always functional I learned how to create my own website to save the things I found. This was in the early days and many of my acquaintances assured me that "this whole internet thing is just a passing fad and you're wasting your time". Seems they were wrong.
This entire website is the result of saving various things I have found over many years and putting them on the relevant pages I have created here. Sometime in the early 2000's the Bartlett Historic Society asked me if I could help create their website. I replied that it was already half done...and here I am in 2025 and still not finished, but since I haven't been fired, all must be OK.
Inspiration gained at White Mountain Arts & Artists. A visit to their website is well worth your time.