PO Box 514 - 13 School St.
Bartlett, NH 03812

West Side Road
The West Side Road begins in Glen, passes through what is known as Cooks Crossing, past Dick Plusch's "Goat Farm". Then down the hill and around the bend to what was once known as Hilltown. It follows the bank of the Saco River, then past the historic Lady Blanche House and continuing along past the Lucy Farm and on into North Conway..
The "Goat Farm" was owned in the early to mid 1900s by Severo Mallet-Prevost. Calista Allan and her second husband, Tom Allan, took care of the Goat Farm when the Mallet-Prevosts were away (they were summer residents).
Rick Garon sent us this information about his Great Great Grandmother who lived on the West Side Road in the 1850's. His description below:
"Don't know if this means anything, but these are picture of my great great grandmother, Mary Abigail Cook Drown, born in Porter, Maine in 1830 to William Cook and Abigail Bickford. She was the wife of Samuel William Drown. She died in 1923. One picture was taken of the house on West Side Road. Don't know who the child is. possibly my grandmother who was born in 1902. But there were other children of that age in the family at that time. Notice her house on the maps that you posted."

A bit fuzzy but readable (maybe) if you put on your specs.

Olive Drown 1909

Mary Abigail and husband, Sam, are buried in the Hilltown Cemetery on West Side Road. Sam's headstone is readable while Mary's is probably one that has faded away.

See the details of Lady Blanch at
The Hilltown area on the West Side Road remains only in memories. There are still one or two cellar holes to be seen and a couple of houses probably of a later vintage. The Hilltown Cemetery is a spot you drive by frequently but difficult to find. It is on the West Side Road, on the right about two miles from the Bartlett end. Look for sharp corner just before the road goes down hill to the river. There's a driveway with a bamboo patch and faint remains of an old house foundation. (Very dangerous driveway to exit...visibility very poor. May be advisable to park somewhere else nearby and walk back to the driveway).
We have a few pictures taken at the Hilltown Cemetery a few years ago that can be seen at this link.​​
We bet you have never heard of the 1936 Hilltown Landslide on West Side Road. Resident Eugene Hill was killed.

"History Repeats Itself. Slide at Willey House - Crawford Notch, NH".



Recalling the great killer slide of March 1936
Slide killed watchmaker Eugene Hill 73 years ago this month
Tom Eastman - March 28, 2009
BARTLETT — Spring floods are nothing new, but the one that hit the North Country in March 1936 wreaked more havoc than usual and ended up killing West Side Road resident Eugene Hill in the area of Bartlett known as Hilltown.
Local historian Dan Noel, who has been battling cancer, recently forwarded The Conway Daily Sun a telling of the tragic tale by an eyewitness who traveled to the devastated site after the slide that caused Hill's death the morning of March 12, 1936. He believes the eyewitness account may have been written by the late Buster Parker, of Bartlett.
Other information was gleaned by looking at microfilm of the March 12 and March 19 editions of the now defunct Reporter newspaper of North Conway in the Henney History Room of the Conway Public Library, as well as interviewing Brian Hill of Lower Bartlett, nephew of Eugene Hill, a watchmaker who lived alone when the fatal disaster struck.
On a gloriously sunny first day of spring on Friday afternoon, March 20, West Side Road resident and town father Chet Lucy took time out from his maple sugaring operation to show a reporter exactly where the slide happened farther north up the road 73 years ago in the Hilltown enclave of Hill family members.
“My father [Arthur O. Lucy], was involved in the story, as he was part of the rescue effort,” said the still winter-bearded Lucy, a former Conway selectman whose family Conway roots go back some 250 years. “I was born in 1926, so I was 9 years old at the time, and it was quite a thing.”
We drove north past the Lady Blanche House, around a bend in the road, and down to the flat area below Pitman's Arch to a section across from the Saco River and the home of Chuck Kalil the heart of the former Hilltown area. To our left on the west side of the road were two houses, a barn and a trellis at the base of a cliff.
“Just like the Willey Slide that you know about [in Crawford Notch in August 1826], the slide came down over there and divided, leaving the Colson house standing where that white house is now,” said Lucy, who, like Noel, is a lover and keeper of local history.
The river flooded the road but it was the slide that came into Eugene Hill's house and killed him, according to accounts from that era.
“The road used to be lower than it is now. The state built it higher,” said Lucy, wearing his wool green and black plaid spring-chores jacket.
The following account of the slide was reported in the Thursday, March 19, 1936 issue of The Reporter, a week after the March 12 disaster:
“Though flood damage in northern Carroll County has been light compared with that in other parts of New England, this locality was mentioned in headlines and broadcasts through the tragic death of Eugene Hill and the dramatic rescue of several survivors of the slides at Hilltown, on the West Side Road from North Conway to Bartlett.
"Last Thursday morning at about 8 o'clock, slides of snow and ice crashed against the northwest corner of the home of Eugene Hill, ripping out the corner of the house and burying its owner, who lived there alone, under several feet of ice and debris. A similar slide tore out a part of the lower floor of the second house to the north, belonging to Nathan Hill, carrying Mrs. Sarah Seavey, 83, Mr. Hill's housekeeper, across the road and burying her up to the armpits in snow, ice and wreckage.”
The Reporter account verified Chet Lucy's recollection that the slide divided around one of the homes, just as the August 1826 slide in Crawford Notch had divided around the Willey homesite in that famous White Mountain disaster:
“As freakish as most disasters,” noted the Reporter, “the house between the two, occupied by Webster Colson, was undamaged. Mr. Colson, together with his wife, son and daughter, at once started for Bartlett for help, and reached there after considerable difficulty, due to parts of the road that were submerged. Rescue parties finally started for the scene of the disaster. the first truck was from Main Street Garage, North Conway, and included Henry Thompson, Myron Hanson, Dr. McDonald, a selectman from Bartlett, and others. James Waldron, forestry superintendent of the Saco River CCC Camp at Glen, was in Bartlett at the time, and followed close behind with two trucks and his crew of about 20 boys. The North Conway truck was unable to reach Hilltown, but the two higher CCC trucks, after considerable difficulty, were able to reach the scene of the disaster where they found Mrs. Walker, daughter of Mrs. Seavey, trying to extricate her with a small coal shovel.
Seavey was removed from the wreckage and, after receiving temporary treatment from Dr. G. Harold Shedd (of ski bone doctor fame when skiing took hold in the region), and two nurses from Memorial Hospital (Gladys Carter and Doris Haley), she was taken by stretcher and boat to the home of Arthur Lucy, along with Nathan Hill and Mrs. Walker, who were uninjured.”
The following day, Sarah Seavey was taken to Memorial Hospital as a precaution. Nathan Hill, meanwhile, 94, was returned to the Lucy's home for two weeks until the waters subsided.
Dan Noel, who first brought the tale of the disaster to the Sun's attention, provided a copy of a letter written by an unidentified first-hand witness and participant of the rescue effort.
“I came across the letter the other day. I don't recall how I came across it to begin with, but I thought it made for an interesting story that you might want to use,” said Noel, a lifelong collector of White Mountain history and professional photographer whose clients in the past included Yield House and Cranmore Mountain.
Arriving at the scene on foot after much difficulty driving on West Side Road in the flood waters, the witness gave the following account:
“We immediately went to the residence of Gene Hill where we found the house completely filled with ice clear to the rafters. We all started digging in the ice and we first found the arm of Gene which held the stove poker, evidently had just filled the stove when it happened. We dug the body out of the ice.”
The eyewitness went on to say that Hill was a jeweler, and that they found watches strewn across the area.
“As each one was tagged,” he wrote, “they were put in a pail and taken to Fred Hanscom, town clerk of Bartlett.”
The Reporter added a paragraph or two, adding to the mystery of whatever happened to Eugene Hill's belongings:
“Mr. Hill, a watchmaker by trade, had been partially crippled for the past 20 years, and had lived alone since the death of his mother a few years ago. Soon after the disaster, several watches and other articles of jewelry, were recovered from the ruins. Relatives, however, voiced their suspicions that he also had a box containing money and this was finally found on Saturday after considerable search by Harold Hill of Kearsarge and turned over to Bartlett officials for safekeeping.”
On their departure, the party encountered Dr. Shedd, Ms. Carter and Ms. Haley.
“Both nurses [were] carried across the brook by Walter Lock of Glen, and Dr. Shedd was in the process of being carried across on Walter's back. Walter accidentally stubbed his toe and, both got a ‘Yankee Dunking.' When we arrived back to the Rocky Branch Bridge and crossed it, the bridge dropped into the stream at once [behind the rescuers, Dr. Shedd and nurses Carter and Haley]. The following day the road was [plowed] out by the Bartlett town tractor.”
Meanwhile, according to Henry Hatch, who was another rescuer, “Arthur Lucy took Ellsworth Russell and Cedric Colbath with him from Conway Supply Co. R.F. Harmon was also in the party who went to Hill Town [sic] and I believe were the ones or part of the crew that dug Mr. Hill out of the debris. I believe they took Eugene Hill out by canoe to the road at Lady Blanche House and then by various means, got to Conway and back by East Side Road to Furber Funeral Home.”
The funeral home was operated by Arthur Furber, and was located behind what most recently was D.J.'s Bedding and Outlet and which for a number of years served as Brothers II, across from the Up Country .
Chester Lucy remembers that part of the tale.
He said his father, Arthur O. Lucy, co-founder in 1933 of Conway Supply, and others transported the body by rowboat and then truck to Smith-Allard Farm on the West Side. There, they met Furber, who transported the body across the river on the bridge and to the funeral home.
“My father told my mother Irene to call Arthur he didn't have to say his last name [Furber]; she knew who he was talking about and let him know that they were coming by canoe. Arthur didn't catch on exactly what she was talking about at first, so my father said, ‘Just tell him we're coming and to meet us at the railroad bridge!’ Eventually she got Arthur to understand that my father was bringing some cargo ... a body!” said Lucy this week.
Nathan Hill, meanwhile, couldn't go back to his home during the high waters, so he spent two weeks with the Lucy family in their home, a house that was lost to fire in 1942.
“In Conway Village,” wrote Janet Hounsell in her book, “Conway, New Hampshire 1785-1997,” “The main damage was loss of water. Friday and Saturday [after the Thursday flood] there was no mail in or out, and residents of Oak Street left home for higher ground. Thursday night, houses near the Saco River Bridge were evacuated. Cellars were flooded and Thursday the water pipes where they cross the Swift River ruptured, so the village was without water except for rainwater.”
Hounsell added further information on Arthur Lucy's role.
“When Arthur Lucy, of the Conway Supply Co., learned there'd been an avalanche at Humphrey's Ledge, he took three millworkers and started off to help with the rescue work. By auto, boat and snowshoes the crew reached the spot. They worked until the body of the victim was located. Lucy brought the remains by boat and toboggan to Conway.”
The Reporter's March 19, 1936 account said that due to the high rains, "The East Branch Bridge in Intervale (today's Route 16A in the days before what is today's Route 16 was built) was menaced by high water, the West Side Road was impassable and the flood caused a washout in a fill near the Lady Blanche House and in spite of temporary repairs, it subsequently washed out completely.
"The Lady Blanche house is isolated. There is now no means of getting to Bartlett. The village of Conway is now practically surrounded by water, and various low spots are flooded, including the athletic field and the ground in front of the B&M station."
Another flood hit the following week just as The Reporter was going to press on March 19, 1936 proving that spring and floods are constant companions in the valley of the Saco.
Photo Below on West Side Road near Hilltown

Pitman's arch on west side road

OCTOBER 1885: A cavern has been accidentally discovered in Humphrey’s ledge a few miles from North Conway, which is attracting much attention. It has an entrance 20 feet wide and 12 feet high, and is located in what has been heretofore considered an almost inaccessible section. The cutting off of a heavy timber growth resulted in the finding of it. Those who have examined it say that in wildness and picturesqueness it is far superior to the celebrated cave at “Cathedral” ledge in the immediate vicinity. The cavern has been named “Pitman’s Arch,” in honor of Lycurgus Pitman of North Conway.
Lycurgus Pitman (1848-1908) — of Conway, Carroll County, N.H. Born in Bartlett, Carroll County, N.H., April 9, 1848. Republican. Member of New Hampshire state senate 2nd District, 1887-88; alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from New Hampshire, 1904. Died in Carroll County, N.H., November 11, 1908 (age 60 years, 216 days). Relatives: Son of George Winthrop Maston Pitman and Emeline (Chubbuck) Pitman (1822-1889); brother of William Pitman (1855-1940); married to Lizzie I. Merrill (1852-1891); nephew of Joseph Pitman (1823-1908); grandson of Joseph Pitman (1788-1875). Political family: Pitman family of New Hampshire.
About 1890 Lycurgis undertook the building of a road to the area above the arch at great expense to himself. The road was extremely steep and its exact location is unknown as of this writing.
More information about the Pitman family in Intervale can be found at this link.

This 1909 picture shows a foot bridge that crossed the Saco River in the vicinity of Humphry's Ledge on the West Side Road.
It was a popular short-cut for folks staying at the Hotels in Intervale for access to Cathedral Ledge, Echo Lake and Pitman's Arch. This editor assumes it must have been replaced every year after high water. Click TOP picture for large size.
Saco River and West Side Road. Looking South near Hilltown. You can find this same spot today. A popular swimming spot. Click Picture for a larger view.