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Some Older and Some Newer
Videos Found

Skiing at Intervale Ski Area - 1966

Sorry for the dumb music - I didn't pick it

A shaky airplane ride around Bartlett.  Seems heavily centered on the Sky Valley area, Rte 302

Some ski jumping action in 1966 at Intervale Ski Area. You might see someone you know?

Peter Limmer Presentation January 2022

A Monorail Comes to Attitash in 1966 followed by some sort of school parade that might be some different year

It's 1950 or so and Sky Valley Motor Court is Ready for Business

Richard A. Jones, "Dick", who died in 2015, left us a  small  collection of his stories: 


1. Making flowers move by waving at                         them

2. Volcano secret eruption word.

3. The Caribe cruise ship in a hurricane.

4. Getting served alcohol at the Oak Lee                Lodge at a young age.

5. The Island of Petito 


Don't know who recorded this  but,                                          Thank you.

An eight minute flight over Bartlett, NH with DragonFly Aerials

DragonFly Aerials has a bunch more local videos at their YouTube Channel

Link is good 01/05/2025

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