PO Box 514 - 13 School St.
Bartlett, NH 03812
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Sports & Skiing History in Bartlett

Thad Thorne, 2010 est, Thad was the Gen Manager at Attitash for a couple of decades.

Long before Attitash, there were very popular ski runs on Bear Mountain. This 1941 photo looks north towards Mt Washington.
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Ski Jump at Intervale Ski Area circa 1962

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Mike Bannon - Longtime Ski School Director at Attitash and many other local areas.
Ski Areas Promotional Map and Guide - Winter 1953-54 Courtesy Wendy Brown Bridgewater

This is about 1957:
Front l to r: Audrey Ludgate, Evelyn Sanborn, Donna Chappee, Rita Clemons, Carla Bailey
Back l to r: Gail Stewart, Frieda Smith, Celia Lane, Sal Manna, Margaret Taylor, Caroline Johnson, Lois Henry. —

Other Sports Activities on THIS Website:

Bartlett High School Girls Basketball 1950

Bartlett High School Boys Basketball 1950

This photo came to us without a date but we estimate it to be 1947 to 1949 era.
1952 Cheerleaders; Clemons, Dorset, Howard

1953-54 Girls Varsity Basketball:
1st Row: Chappee, Ward, Dorset and Bailey
2nd Row: Ludgate, Taylor, Mr Manna, Perkins, Clemons

This Photo came to us undated but we estimate it 1948 to 1950 era
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Carl Eliason with first snowmobile. (No relation to Dave Eliason)