Fire Destroys Family Homestead in Two Hours
The Harry Rogers Farm buildings at Rogers Crossing in Bartlett are gone.
Farm and buildings established in 1780 by j. tasker. A strong wind and brutal cold didn't help matters.

A bit of History First
Harry Rogers, 82, was born and lived on this family farm his entire life. Rogers lived with his niece, Betty Jackson.
This is a farm that was worked by the Rogers Family for 200 years...Dating back to 1780, ten years before Bartlett became an incorporated town.
The house and barns were originally built by Jonathan Tasker. (Photo at left shows Harry Rogers in brown coat and Lyman Garland, a next door neighbor, in red coat.) Jonathan Tasker was married to Comfort Seavey and settled in Bartlett on what is now known as the Rogers farm. Jonathan Tasker, Sr. was a descendant of John Tasker who emigrated from England and settled in Madbury, NH.
The Jonathan Tasker family was located in Bartlett in the late 1700’s, settling there between 1780-1790.and there reared his two sons - Ebenezer and Jonathon. Jonathan, the elder, was moderator at the first town meeting held in Bartlett on July 9, 1790. Along with John Pendexter and Enoch Emery, Jonathan served as the first board of Selectmen. In addition to selectman, he also served as town clerk for many years as well as on a committee with Enoch Emery and Samuel Cotton “to look out and locate roads.” Jonathan is believed to have died ca. 1805 in Bartlett. The Tasker family of Bartlett married into the Rogers family and the George family of Bartlett as well as the Bassett family of Jackson, among others.

An 1892 map shows the property being owned by one T.S Rogers. J.C. Rogers is shown on the same map with property on the North Side of the Saco River in the Upper Village. The location is now the home of Jean Garland. John and Doug are her son's and they now live on what was the J. Nute farm in 1892. (Check the index of this website for information about the Nute's, there is even a picture of them as well as a link to the 1892 map).
(The Tasker story can be found elsewhere on this website, see the link above in the main menu "PEOPLE STORIES)
The fire started about 8 a.m. and by 10 a.m. what had survived for 200 years was gone in less than 2 hours. The cause of the fire was either an electrical problem or the pipe that Harry always smoked was carelessly placed and caught the hay on fire.

Still no water and something bright erupts on the dwelling portion of the homestead.
About 10 a.m. and all the out-buildings except the garage are reduced to ash and rubble.

All the water had to be brought to the scene by tanker truck. About 8:45 all the water on hand was used.
George "Red" Marcoux was the Town Fire Chief in 1980.

Water finally arrives at a time when 5 minutes seems like an hour

The main house suffers severe water damage.and is deemed a total loss

A little after 10: a.m., nothing left but the garage and a waterlogged main house that had to be torn down. The garage barn survived with no damage. It still stands there today, 44 years later, as a reminder of what once was.

In this photo you can see Mr Rogers in brown coat wandering near the maple tree that he probably tapped for syrup at least 70 times during his life. Behind the "Army-looking" truck in the background is Betty Jackson's 1960 Thunderbird, which she bought brand new. It was rescued from the garage building, but a tractor stored in there was not so fortunate.

Fire fighters on the scene. It is quite a contrast to compare the level of personal equipment the men wore then versus now. I recognize Jim Howard Jr, Buster Parker, Don Chandler and David Hayes in these pics. Can someone fill me in on the other names?

Classic Title
Next page, let the blame game begin. Controversy erupts in the weeks following the fire. Read the article on the next page by the Reporter Press to get the gist of the Story. I don't recall the exact outcome of this situation but I'm sure one of our readers can fill in the details of what happened.