An 8 Year Adventure That Once Seemed Impossible Becomes Reality in 2024
An idea that started in 2016 is completed in 2024 - Thank You to those who made it possible

1950's showing the upper dormer for the Reverend's room, an addition on the back and a basement entryway. The building to the left is part of the Bartlett High School.
2016 - The idea of transforming to a Museum is explored by the Historical Society Directors and the Community.

2016 - Historical Society Directors look things over and assess the needs.
2016 - The needs are great.

The sacristy is where the Eucharist bread and wine are kept when not being used along with clergy vestments and parish records.
2016 - Water damage and mold is a major problem.
In 2016 The Historical Society Directors must make a decision.
Do we try to renovate this building???
Or do we keep looking for alternatives???

2017 and 2018: Decision is made to move ahead and the idea is floated in front of the community. We think $450,000 will do it.
Let the fund-raising begin.
By 2019 enough money had been raised to begin the renovations. Phil Franklin, the BHS President, takes an active role in the work. Photo below shows hazardous material removal - everything stripped down to the framing.

After the haz-mat work we had a clean frame and an environmentally safe structure

August 2020: Enough money has been raised to replace the roof

Completely Rebuilt
August 2020: Roof is finished and more inside work can proceed
We also replaced the heating/cooling and electric systems

During 2022 and 2023 the inside work continued along with replacing all the windows and outside siding.

And special accommodations for our handicapped members and visitors

Manchester Union Leader from January 20, 1903 found under the original clapboards. It's mysterious how a 1903 newspaper found its way under clapboards installed in 1890?

Thank you to Mt Washington Fabrications in Conway for donating the new railings to the front door

2023 and 2024 all the details, trim work painting and flooring get addressed

October 2024: The grand opening event drew many