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Posted Feb 2024
Have Patience while pictures materialize

The south face of the museum building painted with its 2nd coat of white

A view from School Street of the resided and landscaped front of the museum building

The back of the museum building, resided and painted; the new exit door is installed also

Sodality of the Holy Rosary stained-glass window back in place after a complete refurbishment

Two of the nine new Marvin windows with the new siding and paint.

Stained-glass window commemorating Bishop Denis Bradley in its lightbox and backlit by an LED panel

First coat of blue finish paint has been rolled onto the walls; ceiling painting is complete

Coat of white paint has been applied to the entire building – view from the choir loft toward the stage (former altar) area

View from the stage area toward the front of the building – white primer paint covers everything. The museum renovation is really showing progress now. We decided to get a quote from Bruce Frechette as he’s Bill Duggin’s go-to painter. Bruce came back with a very reasonable offer, cut his rates per hour and said he’d get a crew in the building quickly to start the painting.

Sheetrock wall covering has been installed throughout the building

Three stained-glass windows in lightboxes, backlit with LED panels – they shine as though being lit by daylight

Trim Work: The major project of installing the interior trim is underway – shown is the wainscoting installation in progress

Triangle of stained-glass showing the Holy Rosary window (in natural light) plus Bishop Bradley and Father Lacroix windows (both with LED backlighting)

Sanding All of the original flooring that will remain exposed has been sanded and prepared for painting (a dark gray as it once was painted) – the stage area shown here was coated with varnish at one time

Vinyl plank flooring has been installed in the foyer; this plank flooring was also installed in the ADA lavatory and curator’s work space

Four beautiful chandeliers have been installed and add a dramatic effect to the entire room.

Exit Area 5 Vinyl plank flooring is shown in the back exit area, notice the fir door installed also.

Trim Work 2 This photo shows the wainscoting being installed on the walls of the stage area; the original church has wainscoting and a chair rail around the outer walls; we’re recreating that image
If you looked at all the pictures, beginning in 2016, (on the pages shown at right) you know that we have come a long way on this journey. When we started in 2016 this entire concept seemed like a nearly impossible undertaking.
Looking back now, 8 years have elapsed and remarkable progress has been achieved thanks to the dedicated leadership of Phil Franklin, the generous endeavors of many people, including Bill Duggan and crew as general contractor, and strong financial support from the hundreds of donors who shared our enthusiasm. A big thank you goes out to all of you.
We are not quite finished but the grand opening is definitely in sight. See our list of items that need to be completed. And, of course, cash donations still work!