Bartlett, NH 03812

Our Collections

The lists of our Collections are admittedly out of date. When we open the doors to our museum, we plan to have updated lists documenting all of the items below and maybe more. We are also exploring ways to make these lists interactive or searchable versus the static lists we currently show. Again with the museum, we plan to have these lists updatable in real time so you will always have the latest discoveries at your fingertips. Thank you for your patience.
Bartlett Cemeteries
The Doctor's Cemetery River Street and Cobb Farm Road. Take River St. north from 302 and turn west onto Cobb Farm Road. Near this intersection, on the north side, is the Mt. Langdon trailhead. Park and walk a few yards up the trail to the fenced grave site for Dr. Eudy.
Dundee Cemetery East side of Dundee Road, 2 mi north of its intersection with 16A. Take Dundee Road north from 16A for 2 mi. Cemetery is on a lane off the east side of the road, next to a white cape. This cemetery is partially in Jackson.
Garland Ridge Cemetery (AKA Bartlett Village Cemetery)North side of 302, 2 mi east of Bartlett Take 302 east out from the center of Bartlett about 2 miles. The large cemetery is easily visible on the north side, before the railroad crossing.
Glen Cemetery (AKA Bartlett Town Cemetery) North side of 302, 0.75 mi west of Glen. From the intersection of 16 in Glen, take 302 west for 0.75 mi. The large cemetery is easily visible on the north side.
Hill Cemetery West side of West Side Road, 2 mi east of 302. From 302, take West Side Road northeast for almost exactly 2 mi. On the inside of a curve to the south, there is an old driveway with the remnants of a structure next to it. There is also a small cellar hole across the road, but few safe places to park. Walk south along the old driveway, which stays up on the ridge as the road drops down. The cemetery is a few hundred yards away, surrounded by granite posts.
Intervale Cemetery West side of 16A, 0.5 mi north of its lower intersection with 16 in Intervale. From 16 in Intervale, turn onto 16A and drive north for 0.5 mi. The large cemetery is easily visible on the west side.
Old Catholic Cemetery Yates Farm Road Take River St. north from 302 and turn east onto Yates Farm Road. Follow the road ~0.4mi (past the last house and halfway into a meadow). Head due north into the woods ~0.1mi. There are a few stones standing and many grave depressions, but GPS will be necessary for location. Private property--obtain permission from the Garlands at the last house.
Rogers Cemetery Yates Farm Road Take River St. north from 302 and turn east onto Yates Farm Road. Follow the road ~0.7mi (past the last house, through a meadow, and almost to the second meadow). The cemetery is just inside the woods to the north. Private property--obtain permission from the Garlands at the last house.
St. Joseph's Cemetery South side of 302, 1.5 mi east of Bartlett. Take 302 east out from the center of Bartlett about 1.5 mi. The large cemetery is easily visible on the south side.
Stillings-Towle Cemetery (AKA Nute's Hill) North side 302 just west of Bartlett. From the center of Bartlett, drive west past the post office, over the railroad tracks and ~0.2mi further. The cemetery is to the north in the side yard of the garage, surrounded by granite walls and trees.
Other Cemeteries Near Bartlett
Glidden Field Cemetery (AKA Parker-Cobb Cemetery or Sawyer's River Cemetery) In Hart's Location. North side of 302 about 1/4 mile west of Bartlett. Drive 3.6mi west on 302 from Bartlett center. Park at a small dirt drive. Follow the drive over the tracks then veer right onto an old road (stone walls) that parallels the tracks and heads southeast. The cemetery is on the east side of the old road, about 300 yards from the start. It is overgrown but surrounded by granite posts.
Moulton Cemetery (AKA Cobb Farm Cemetery) In Hart's Location. North side of Cobb Farm Road. Park where Cobb Farm Road crosses the railroad tracks at Raccoon Run Road. Walk east on the tracks 0.1 mi. The small cemetery will be visible in the woods on the north side of the tracks. There is a cellar hole nearby and what appears to be remnants of an old road.
Dinsmore Cemetery In North Conway. Just south of the Intervale Scenic Vista, behind the 1785 Inn. Drive behind the 1785 Inn and follow the road (Balcony Seat View) to its end at a house. The cemetery is visible in the yard.
PEOPLE: An extensive list of names in our Genealogical Data Base (we have information on some, yet no information on others). (March 2016) The list is PDF format
SHELF LIST Books, census data and printed materials we have in our collection.
Send us an e mail to arrange to look at any of these items. It may take a day or two to get back to you.
The list is PDF format
BURIALS LISTED BY CEMETERY OR BY NAME: A resource for locating graves in Bartlett cemeteries. Our list is by no means a complete record and does NOT include all the names of all folks in the cemeteries but you just might find the name you are seeking. (March 2016)
OBJECTS Physical items we have in our collection. (March 2016)
Send us an e mail to arrange to look at any of these items. It may take a day or two to get back to you.
The list is PDF format
ARCHIVES Diaries, articles, clippings, genealogical information, brochures and phamlets we have in our collection.
Send us an e mail to arrange to look at any of these items. It may take a day or two to get back to you.
The list is PDF format
If you have any historical items that you would like added to our collection please contact one of the Directors; or email us.

The Moulton Cemetery contains just one monument, notably that of John Moulton 10/31/1845 - 14yrs10mo - Son of Abner & Nancy B Moulton and Samuel E. Moulton 10/30/1845 - 16yrs9mo - Son of Abner & Nancy B Moulton.
The two brothers most likely died of one of the common contagious diseases of the time. Possibly small-pox since victims of that illness were often buried alone, isolated from others.
Their sister, Susan, married Benjamin Stillings and is buried in the nearby Stillings-Towle Cemetery, which is well-documented on Find-A-Grave. She died 01/12/1876 - 49 yrs, 3 mos.
Moulton was her maiden name.
According to a link from her page to her father’s, Abner Moulton is buried in Vermont, so most likely the family moved there at a later time.
Thanks to Jess Davis for expanding on our information and to Angela Huertas for sparking the original interest.

Details of Parker/Cobb cemetery provided by Mike Eisner. (January 2022 This information was found on a Facebook site, "Crawford Notch & Environs History Group")
In reviewing the past posts, I noticed a few posts about the Cobb Cemetery aka Glidden Field Cemetery. I am very familiar with this cemetery. The people buried there are my uncle’s ancestors. There hasn’t been a lot published concerning the Parker and Cobb families. They are important families for Hart’s Location and Bartlett as their history in the area goes back prior to 1830.
In the late 1970s and early 1980’s, my extended family use to get together and hike up to railroad tracks to the cemetery. It was usually my grandmother, my mother and all us kids (cousins). The expedition was always led by my Aunt Judi. She led the group because she knew where the cemetery was. Back in those days it wasn’t so easy to find.
I will never forget going there. To me it was deep in the woods. It was dark even if it was sunny. Surprisingly I never found it creepy. It was always peaceful. I remember the big trees all around. There were no weeds, just some moss.
We would take stone rubbings and clear up fallen branches. All the stones were standing. We loved looking and reading the names. Sometimes there were two names; Hiram Parker and Hiram Parker as well as Phebe Cobb and Phebe Cobb. Hiram and Hiram were father and son while Phebe and Phebe were mother and daughter. I think I asked this same question every year “why are there two sets of graves with the same name?”
For years we made the journey to the cemetery. As we got older and started our own lives, we stopped caring for the important graves. Some of the family, mainly my cousin and I, still go there every year to see what’s going on. I don’t live nearby so I visit when I can. I do know that other relatives visit very yearly, when they are in the area.
For a while we could not see the cemetery because of all the ferns and underbrush that grew up after some trees were cut down. I know that some nice people went in and took care of it. They erected the main stone, etc. I’m glad someone cared enough to save what was remaining. Sadly most of the stones have fallen and were in bad shape. Time certainly was not a friend here.
Here is everything you might need to know about those buried at the cemetery. It follows below.
I have also included a map that shows who lived where in the basic Cobb Farm Road area up to Sawyers in 1861. In 1870 the land near the cemetery was valued at $2000 and owned by E Cobb. Think of E Cobb as near where the Cobb Farmhouse is currently.
H Parker is Hiram Parker Sr. Treasurer of Harts Location. If you notice the homestead is near the Cobb Cemetery’s location. This may be the cellar hole people have mentioned.
P Moulton is Perkins Moulton
L Moulton is Levi Moulton
Behind where my grandparents house was are the graves of two of the Moulton children. A story for another day. Oddly enough there’s a F Cobb - Freeman Cobb that lives near E Cobb but not on this map.
Phebe Cobb
Born 10/3/1827
Died 8/1/1850 - 22 years
Sister of John O. Cobb (lived at the Cobb Farm and is responsible for annexing his land from Hart’s Location to Bartlett)
Sarah Cobb
Born 1830
Died 9/18/1853 - 23 years
Sister of John O. Cobb
Hattie M. Glidden
Born 1/13/1873
Died 2/4/1873 (not 2/1/1873) - 18 days
John Glidden - father
Harriette Parker - mother
Flora A. Glidden
Born 11/5/1875
Died 1/29/1876 - 2 months
John Glidden - father
Harriette Parker - mother
Flora died of a bad cold.
Hattie and Flora’s mother was:
Harriette Parker
She died in child birth on 1/27/1877 in Hart’s Location.
Harriette is Hiram and Martha’s daughter.
Hattie and Flora’s father was:
John Glidden was from Gardner, Maine. He remarried after Harriette’s death.
Phebe Haley Cobb
Born 2/20/1802
Died 10/25/1875
Mother of John O. Cobb
Died of paralysis
Ephraim Cobb
Born 7/17/1798
Died 10/5/1882
Father of John O. Cobb
Hart’s Location toll collector
Hiram Parker Sr.
Born 1805
Died 1/10/1892
Father of Harriette Parker Glidden
Hart’s Location Treasurer and clerk of marriage and deaths
Married twice: 1. Martha Jones and 2. Dorcus Patch
Martha Jones Parker
Born 1808
Died 8/13/1877
Wife of Hiram Parker Sr.
Hiram Parker
This is Hiram Parker Jr.
Son of Hiram and Martha Parker
Brother of Harriette Parker Glidden
Born 1842
Died after March 1883
I hope you found this information interesting. Please let me know any further info if you have any. There are a lot of connections between the Parkers, Cobbs, Stillings, Higgins and more. Too much for one post.

Jess Davis of Bartlett has been instrumental in compiling this list of Bartlett Cemeteries and taking a personal interest in their well-being. She has been restoring gravestones and whole cemeteries for about 15 years. As a middle school teacher, she has led over a dozen field trips to clean, repair and reset gravestones in Indiana Maine and New Hampshire cemeteries. She is more than happy to edit or transfer memorials--just ask! Visit her websites below:
Contact or
2019 Website
The Cemeteries In Bartlett or Nearby

Leonard Eudy (right) and Ephraim Eudy (left) about 1863

Dr Leonard M. Eudy
SOURCE: History of the Fifteenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers, pg 214 1862-1863 By Charles McGregor
History of the New Hampshire Surgeons in the War of the Rebellion,
by Conn Granville Priest
Dr Leonard M. Eudy was born in Bethlehem, New Hampshire on January 8, 1843. He attended the Bethlehem school system through grade 12. At the age of nineteen, in September of 1862, he enlisted in Company C 15th Regiment of New Hampshire Volunteers as a private along with his brother, Ephraim, age 25 and his older brother, William David Eudy, who enlisted on the same day as Leonard.
In December of 1862 Pvt Leonard Eudy boarded the steamer ship Cambria at Brooklyn New York. Ephraim was left behind due to illness, but caught up with the Regiment later. So far I have found no further reference to William's military service, but he returned to Littleton after serving for 15 months, also in Co. C. His occupation is listed as a farmer, married Maria Woodbury on December 31, 1870, The Cambria embarked on a twenty-six day cruise from Brooklyn, around Key West and finally ending up in Carrollton Louisiana (New Orleans).
In Carrolton on January 18, Sunday. a cold, east wind was blowing a gale. Charles B. Ela, Company C, was accidentally shot in thigh, and died soon after amputation. Ela was the tallest man of Company C, and received his wound at the hand of the shortest man of the company, Leonard M. Eudy. They were just relieved from guard, and in a playful mood Ela took on the point of his bayonet a hollow soup bone that lay there, which Eudy undertook to knock off in a jocular way, when his gun discharged its contents into Ela's thigh, completely shattering the bones. Eudy was called the "bantam". He was a mere schoolboy at the time of this sad accident, and his sensitive nature was so deeply shocked that he never recovered from its effects.
After a month at Carrollton Eudy's Company took up residence at Camp Parapet about a mile upstream from current day New Orleans. Life at this camp was described as monotony at its finest. This was not to last as Company "C" spent the next six months of 1863 fighting in the swamps of Louisiana. They were a part of The Siege of Port Hudson and early in the Civil War the control of the Mississippee was of major importance to both the North and the South. It's ultimate control by the Northern forces was a critical part of winning the war.
Company C had the dubious distinction of suffering the highest number of deaths of all the Companies in the Regiment. Of the 71 original members 30 died, only 4 from battle related injuries, the rest from illness.
Both Leonard and Ephraim were mustered out of service in August 1863. Early in 1865 Leonard commenced his medical education at Harvard University under the direction of Drs. Charles Tuttle and Henry Watson. In 1870 Leonard began his medical practice in Littleton and moved to Bartlett in 1871.
While practicing in Bartlett in 1877 an epidemic of small pox broke out in a lumber camp. Eudy assumed charge of the camp and established a pest house. Within a few months Eudy himself contracted the disease and died at the age of 34 on November 28, 1877.
His grave site is a solitary grave at the base of Cave Mountain, surrounded by a black iron fence. His marker plaque was replaced by a preservation committee led by Roger Marcoux in the late 1990's.
The Doctor's Cemetery at the base of Cave Mountain. It was not unusual at the time for those who died from smallpox to be buried far away from others.
Leonard Eudy's simple stone. Hard to read so you will have to visit in person to read it.