Hattie and Loring Evans Burial Site
In Dec 2010 Robert Girouard, who donated these scans, went on a quest to find Loring and Hattie Evans burial site.

Route 35
Standish, Maine 04084

Hello there Norman!!.
Aww man if I would have had your Phone # with me I would have given you a buzz. We got to Auburn Maine..what a mess Rt.95 was!!. It stopped snowing down my way late Sunday night. Monday Morning my wife and I drove right into the snowstorm that just left my area!!! Aaa!!.
Well I told you I was going to do some hands on research on the Evans family!!. I hit pay dirt.....I didn't find John Joseph Green...But I found Loring S. Evans and Hatties resting place!!,Finally.. Somehow I stumbled into where Gordon L. Evans, his wife, and daughter are resting. Hit me kind of funny...why would Gordon be buried in the area his parents came from.....Standish, Maine right around Sabago Lake??? My hunch was right. Right there at Harding Cemetery in Standish Maine on Rt 35..Is Gordon L.Evans his wife Helen, Gordon's daughter Eleanor. and Loring S. Evans and Hattie.
I hooped and hollered. My wife just called to me "Oh Yea"???? The snow was really deep. If John Green is there and he has a stone that's flat to the ground ..then I would never find it that day!!.
Now back to Bartlett. Dec.29th...My GPS...RRRRrrrrr! took me to ECHO LAKE..Yes it wanted me to put my truck under water.... We went back to Auburn after that. Next day we left Auburn for good. Put Bartlett into my GPS....and no problem getting there. Well driving up and down Main St. looking for 1313 main...couldn't find it!.
I did what us men never do; I listened to my wife and stopped off at "Bart's Deli" and asked..Where is the Library????. Ha..I was almost on top of it. I go to the school and there it is close to the road a sign pointing to the Library... boy did I want to put my head down and hide. My wife had such a good laugh at me. "Hey big research boy"? You can find about a person way back in the 1700's ..but ya can't find the Bartlett Library...Haaa my butt!. Well swallowed my pride walked up to the library door,ready to ask to feast my eyes on some Livermore stuff and wham!!. It's 10:30AM Library opens on Thursday @ 2:00PM. You know now Norman? My wife was in stitches...Wooo Haa!!! I looked at her and all I could see was this big Jackass with his teeth and all laughing at me!!! Well that was it. She said a few things while laughing ..like Hey Tuff guy??? You ever think of using your cell phone to call the Library and find out their hours???.
Well we did have a great time. This will be something she will hit me with tonight for sure when the new year comes in!.. Well Norman let ya go. You and your family have a safe night and tell all my new pals of my adventures in Bartlett..Take care..Bob
The photo I'm sending you I forgot I had. This is Herb Chase ..Station agent for the Crawford Notch Station . This photo is years later when he worked in Daggetts Chocolate factory in Cambridge Ma. Seems he always kept in touch with Ray Evans. Enjoy this Holiday picture..This is really really cool!! ..Bob.
PS: See the photo of him on motor bike.