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BARTLETT HISTORIC SOCIETY         PO Box 514 - 13 School St.

            Bartlett, NH 03812

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Hall Ancestry

Find More About Obed Hall in our "Early Settlers Section:  

John Hall, the immigrant ancestor, HALL was, according to his own deposition, born in 1617. He first appears in New England in Charlestown, where he was made a freeman May 6, 1635. He removed to Dover, New Hampshire, where his name appears on the tax list from 1648-49 until 1677, and often in land records. In 1652 he lived at Dover Neck, next to the meeting house, the lot on the southwesterly side which reached to the river and embraced a spring which is still flowing and is called Hall's spring. He was first deacon of the First Church of Dover as early as 1655.

He was lot-layer as early as 1657 and as late as 1674. In 1658-59 he was one of three to lay out the town bounds between Lamprey and Newichawannock rivers, and to run the north boundary. In 1663 he was on a committee to lay out the highway from Lamprey river to the waterside. He was selectman in 1660, and was occasionally "commissioner to end small causes;" grand juror in 1663-66 and 68: "clerk of ye writs" for the court in 1663-68 and 69; town clerk in 1670-75-79 and other years. In 1677 Deacon Hall received a lot of twenty acres on the west side of Back river, which had been laid out to George Webb in 1642. He gave to his son Ralph by deed February 1. 1685-86, one-half the house and land, and the other half at his death, this deed was proved as his will May 4, 1692, and recorded February, 1694-95. He married Elizabeth . Children: 1. Sheba, baptized January 9, 1639-40. 2. John, born in Charlestown, September 21, 1645. representative to the New Hampshire legislature, 1694-95-96; died 1697. 3. Elizabeth, born September 4, 1647, died young. 4. Elizabeth, born November 2, 1648, died young. 5. Nathaniel, taxed in 1680. 6. Ralph, mentioned below. 7. Grace (?), born May 16, 1663-64.


(II) Ralph Hall, son of John Hall (1). was heir to his father's homestead at Dover's Neck. July 11, 1694, he lost twenty acres of land at Fresh creek in a lawsuit with Richard Waldron. Richard and Elizabeth Pinkham gave him a quitclaim deed to land in consideration of the sum of ten pounds. He was auditor in 1702 and constable in 1705. He died November 13, 1706. He married (second). May 26, 1701, Mary Chesley, daughter of Philip Chesley. In 1713 she, with her sister Esther, wife of John Hall, quitclaimed their father's plantation at Oyster river. She married (second), February 26, 1717-18, John Fox, and quitclaimed her share in the estate of her first husband, to John Hall, son of the first wife. Ralph.

John and James Hall were administrators of the estate of their father Ralph, March 4, 1706-07. The estate was divided between seven sons, the eldest getting a double portion, and fifteen pounds to Jonathan who was "weak and sick." Children of the first wife: 1. John, born about 1685. settled in Somersworth, New Hampshire, married, August 9, 1705, Esther Chesley, sister of his stepmother. 2. James, died before 1735. 3. Jonathan. 4. Isaac, removed to Massachusetts. Children of the second wife: 5. Benjamin, born June, 1702. 6. Ralph, born about 1704, married Elizabeth Willey, of Lee, New Hampshire. 7. Joseph, born March 26, 1706. mentioned below.


(III) Joseph Hall, son of Ralph Hall (2), was born at Dover, New Hampshire, March 26, 1706, and died November 14, 1782. He married, December 19, 1734, Peniel Bean. Children: 1. Anna, baptized July 29, 1735, married (first) Reuben Daniels, of Wolfsboro; (second) Philip Kelley, of Wakefield. 2. Mary, baptized May 23, 1736, married Paul Hessey, and had four children. 3. Joseph, baptized November 5, 1738, mentioned below. 4. Daniel, baptized August 22, 1742, resided at Wakefield. and married widow Patience Taylor, of Sanbornton, New Hampshire. 5. Abigail, baptized October 7, 1744. 6. Samuel, baptized March 19, 1748. 7. Hannah, baptized April 2, 1749, married (second) Reuben Long. 8. John, baptized November 2, 1752. 9. Peniel, married, March 19, 1775. John Scribner, of Wakefield.

IV) Joseph Hall, son of Joseph Hall (3), was baptized November 5, 1738, and resided at Bartlett, New Hampshire. According to the federal census of 1790, Joseph Hall was the head of the only family of this name in the town of Bartlett.


He was in the Revolution in Captain Joseph Parsons' company. Children: 1. Joseph, born about 1760. 2. Dorcas. 3. Nathan. 4. Betsey. 5. Rev. Elias, mentioned below. 6. Josiah. 7. Polly. 8. Benjamin.


(V) Rev. Elias Hall, son of Joseph Hall (4), was born at Falmouth. (Portland), Maine. August 16, 1777, and died at Jefferson, New Hampshire, October 16, 1851. He removed to Bartlett, New Hampshire, when young and was educated there in the district schools, and studied for the ministry in the Free Baptist denomination and was settled in Bartlett for many years. He married (first), about 1798, Hannah, daughter of Richard Tina, who died April 29, 1801, aged twenty-nine years. He married (second) Polly Hubbard, who died at Bartlett. February 5, 1813, aged twenty-eight years. He married (third) Hannah Seavey, born April 22, 1790, died August 26, 1839, daughter of Joseph and Abigail (Cummings) Seavey, of Bartlett. He married (fourth) Sarah (Mead) Chase, widow.

Elias Hall removed to Shapleigh. Maine, where he preached in the Free Baptist church. As a preacher he stood in the foremost ranks of his denomination ; as a man he was kindly, sympathetic and charitable, attracting many friends ; of large heart and high character.

Children of Rev. Elias Hall: 1. Samuel, born at Bartlett, December 24. 1799, died at Meredith, New Hampshire, about 1870. 2. Ivory, born at Shapleigh, Maine, February 23, 1801, mentioned below. 3. Hannah, born at Shapleigh. October 15, 1803, died at Bartlett, New Hampshire, about 1860 ; married Barzilla Emery. 4. Dorothy, born at Shapleigh, January 6, « 8on, died November, 1880: married Isaac Nute. 5. Elias Merrill, born at Bartlett, New Hampshire. .March 3, 1808, married Clarinda Stillings, and had Charles Mitchell (married Melissa Hall), Loami, Elmira. 6. Elmira, born May 17, 1810, died 1816. 7. James Hubbard, born at Bartlett, June 16, 1812, died at Gorham, Maine, about 1870; married Sarah Ann Hall, daughter of Judge Hall, and had Betsey, Sarah Ann, Mary, and James. 8. Timothy Emerson, born June 9, 1814. died about 1818. 9. Alvah, born April 10, 1816, died at Stamford, Connecticut, June 23, 1881 ; married, at New York City, Sophia E. Pettigrew, daughter of Robert and Helen (Boistreage) Pettigrew; children: i. Sophia Virginia, married William N. Beach; ii. Ana Byrd, married Albert C. Hall; iii. Alice, married William B. Duncan ; iv. Isabel McRae





Hall maple tree .jpg

Garland Ridge Cemetery and the so-called "Hall Maple Tree".  As of 2019 it is about 190 years old.



(1757-1828)HALL, Obed, a Representative from New Hampshire; born in Raynham, Bristol County, Mass., December 23, 1757; moved to Madbury, N.H., and thence to Upper Bartlett and engaged in agricultural pursuits; subsequently became an innkeeper; surveyor of highways in 1790; member of the board of selectmen 1791, 1798, 1800, 1802-1810, 1814-1819, and 1823; member of the State house of representatives in 1801 and 1802; appointed judge of the court of common pleas by Gov. John Taylor Gilman; elected as a Republican to the Twelfth Congress (March 4, 1811-March 3, 1813); member of the State senate in 1819; died in Bartlett, Carroll County, N.H., April 1, 1828; interment in Garland Ridge Cemetery, about two miles south of Bartlett; reinterment in Evergreen Cemetery, Portland, Maine.Source: Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1771-Present. 

New Hamphire Post Offices and Postmasters - 1816
Obed Hall 2d is also listed as a Bartlett Postmaster in 1816 and he earned $4.34.

SOURCE:  Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Gwen Hurst -   


It seems Obed 1st was the uncle of this Obed.

OBED HALL 2nd. 1795 -1873 Son of Hon. Ebenezer L. and Lydia (Dinsmore) Hall ; born, Conway, February 23, 1795 ; (Ebenezer was Obed 1st's brother) practiced, Bartlett and Tamworth ; died, Tamworth, May 21, 1873.  In the war of 1812 Mr. Hall was in the military service for a short time, in a company of militia at Portsmouth. His early education was imperfect, and he studied law three years with Enoch Lincoln of Fryeburg, Maine, and two years with Lyman B. Walker of Meredith. He first set up in practice at Bartlett, and about 1820 changed his residence to Tamworth. He was representative in the legislature in 1840 and 1841, in which latter year he was appointed register of Probate for the new county of Carroll. That post he occupied ten years. In 1854 and 1856 he was a state senator.He was a lawyer of respectable acquirements, but preferred to give his time and attention to politics, which did not conduce to his legal progress nor to his pecuniary profit. He gave much attention to his farm, being partial to agriculture. He was public-spirited, and in private life benevolent and kindly.His first wife was Elizabeth Gilman of Tamworth, who bore him one daughter; his second was Caroline E., daughter of John Carroll of Maine. She left him a daughter, who outlived her father.

SOURCE: The bench and bar of New Hampshire: including biographical notices ... By Charles Henry Bell

I have an answer to the headstone question at the Garland Ridge Cemetery in Bartlett sent to me by Ruth Abbott:


Hannah Seavey Hall:  (b  22 April 1790  d 26 August 1839)

Hannah Seavey was born in Bartlett NH in 1790.  She was the daughter of Joseph Seavey and Abigail Comings.  


Hannah was  11 years old when her mother, Abigail died.  She was“brought up” by her relative .Elijah Locke Seavey (1774 - 1860)


Hannah married Elias Hall in 1813 (his third marriage) They had 10 sons and one daughter. She was a tall framed women with thick long brown hair. It was believed that consumption hastened her death. 


Her grave was near a little maple tree on one side of the cemetery.  The maple is no longer small after all these years. Her headstone was a plain slab that her son Dudley and Joseph put there after they were men and earning money.


Elijah Locke Seavey is buried nearby Hannah’s grave with both of his wives,  Lucy Bassett and Mary D. Meserve Harriman.


This picture was taken May 2010 courtesy of Ron Ward.  This is in the Garland Ridge Cemetery in the north-west corner near the maintenance shed.   This tree was "a small maple" in 1839, so it is approximately 180 years old.  Too bad it couldn't tell us all the things it has seen during that time.




The following information was sent to me by Cheryl Hall:

   Subject: Mystery Question: Hannah Hall buried in Garland Ridge Cemetery


Message: I hadn’t visited the Bartlett Historical Society web site in awhile so I was delighted to see that information on the Halls in Bartlett had been added to the site. 


After visiting Bartlett in the summer of 2007 for the purpose of genealogy research on the brothers, Obed, Ebenezer and Linus Hall, I discovered the Bartlett Historical Society on line, and I have been a member since that time.  Over time I have had several excellent email conversations with Marcia Dolley and I have been delighted by the wonderful gifts of information that she has provided.  


There were two distinct Hall families in Bartlett.  Joseph Hall, who appears in the 1790 census for Bartlett was a descendant of John Hall of Dover, NH (for which you have the Hall Ancestry posted). 


 Obed Hall who also appears in the 1790 census for Bartlett was a descendant of Edward Hall of Rehoboth, MA (I’ll see if I can put something together for you).  


Although some Hall researchers suspect that it could be possible, there is absolutely no proof that these two Hall families were related. 


When I visited Bartlett in 2007, I spent a fair amount of time at the Garland Ridge Cemetery viewing the headstones of the two Hall families buried there.  I also found Hannah’s headstone and took a photo of it.  I read the headstone as follows: 



wife of

Elias Hall


Aug 26, 1839

AE 49 yrs 


Hannah was the third wife of Rev. Elias Hall.  She was Hannah Seavey, daughter of Joseph and Abigail (Cummings) Seavey, of Bartlett.  Hannah would have been born in 1790.  Research that I have found online since my visit to Bartlett supports that Hannah Seavey was the wife of Elias Hall, and that she died in 1839, not 1830. 


It was their son, (not Obed Hall’s son) Joseph Seavey) Hall who was instrumental in the building of the first Summit House on Mt. Washington in 1852. 




Thanks for providing such a great, and informative, web site!  I look forward to additional family information appearing on your site as it becomes available. 


Also found Roland Hall is living in Keene and that particular branch of Halls' originally came to Bartlett from Maine and are not related to the earlier Halls' of Bartlett. 


OTHER INFORMATION IN THIS WEBSITE: Obed Hall's Tavern ;  (1757-1828)HALL, Obed

Joseph Seavey Hall of Bartlett was one of the most important participants in mid-nineteenth century events in Crawford Notch (or the White Mountain Notch as it was known in those days) and on Mt. Washington. Yet most people have never heard of him.  Read the Story at the White Mountain History web site, HERE.



Find More About Obed Hall in our "Early Settlers Section:  


Incidents in White Mountain history - by Rev. Benjamin G. Willey › genealogy › records › levi-chubbuck_91882748

"The History of Carroll County", 1889, Georgia Drew Merrill › trees › getperson

Bartlett NH - In the Valley of the Saco - Aileen Carroll - 1990

Lucy Crawford's History of the White Mountains - circa 1860



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This website is managed and edited by Dave Eliason who spent the best part of the last 75 years living in Bartlett.   Dave's comments


Your input of any kind is welcome.  Stories, Pictures, Remembrances, errors in articles or anything else that might be occupying your mind. 


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