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PO Box 514

13 School St.

Bartlett, NH 03812

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The President of your Historical Society, Phil Franklin, doesn't talk much about himself, 
so this editor sought out some details about Phil.  

The thirteen graduates of Bartlett High School Class of 1940 hold their 20th year reunion in 1960.  The organizer of the event, Raymond Hebb, sent in all kinds of information from the event.  There may be some names you recognize.  ​​

Bartlett 'most boring town'? Locals beg to differ
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Remember the Motorola Flip Phone?  Our website is trying to catch up and we know some of our pages were pathetic on your mobile device.  Perhaps our pages will now look better since a bit of updating has been done.  Give it a try and let me know how it goes for your device.  .

 Are You Looking For The Quarterly Newsletters ?  


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An 1883 Newspaper Article Tells a Delightful Story About Lady Blanche

The article presents a romantic yet tragic story of a noblewoman who gave up her privileged life for love, adapting to a new life in America as a writer and common citizen.                     Read it here


You may have seen the snow roller in the Village Park?  Ever wonder how it got there?   Click the Pic...

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We have recently refreshed our Facebook page.  If you are a Facebook fan please visit our NEW page, give us a "Like" and follow.  Thank you.

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SORRY, IF YOU ARE ON A MOBIL DEVICE SOME OF THE PAGES WILL NOT DISPLAY TO THEIR BEST ADVANTAGE.  Some pages seem ok, others, not so much.  Site has been mostly  designed for desktop.


This website is managed and edited by Dave Eliason who spent the best part of the last 75 years living in Bartlett.   Dave's comments


Your input of any kind is welcome.  Stories, Pictures, Remembrances, errors in articles or anything else that might be occupying your mind. 


Send to me HERE  



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