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Source Material:  Bartlett NH - Aileen Carroll - 1990

Latchstring Was Always Out - Aileen Carroll - 1994

Chrnicles of White Mountains - Frederick Kilbourne - 1916

Incidents in the White Mountains - Benjamin Willey - 1856

Lucy Crawfords History of the White Mountains -  1860

The very early settlers of Bartlett 

1780 to 1800                                Page 2


Brothers Enoch and Humphrey Emery were among the first settlers.  They accepted an offer from William Stark, who had been granted 3000 acres from Governor Wentworth, to homestead on part of the land.  Their little area was originally known as Starks Location.  In later times it became known as Jericho. 


So the story goes, Enoch was motivated to move north after a brief dalliance  with a Rachel Terrell in Dunbarton (his former home).  Later, Rachel, "big with child" took her case to the New Hampshire Supreme Court when Enoch refused marriage.  Whether or not Rachel's claims were true it provided Enoch a chance to escape her wrath by moving to the northern wilderness.  


Enoch and Humphrey differed from one another almost as much as it is possible for two people to differ.  Enoch was frank, open, generous and manly in his nature, while Humphry was sullen, obstinate and contrary.  Despite their differences they got along well and were well liked among their neighbors and provided valuable services needed by all.


Enoch was a blacksmith by trade and his services were sought out from a wide surrounding area.  Brother Humphry ran a brick company, also a much needed commodity in a growing community.  


In 1790 Enoch was elected to Selectman and the year before had been part of a committee to layout roads for the town.


The summer drought of 1826 came to an end that August, at the time of the great disaster near the Notch, when the Willey family were destroyed, a circumstance almost as frightful occurred in connection with the family of Mr. Emery, who lived at a place called Jericho, near the Rocky Branch, a tributary of the Saco.


That stream swelled enormously, and, by the rocks, trees, and logs which it brought down in its vehement course, made a complete dam just below the spot where the house stood. By this accumulation of water the house was raised from its foundation, being buoyed up on its surface like a boat.


In this perilous situation the inhabitants remained all night, and it was only by the wonderful workings of Providence that they were saved from a watery grave.




This photo is about 100 years after the Emery's adventures on the Rocky Branch.  The caption says "Hauling Timber by 2000 foot cable" "Maple Mountain Rocky Branch 1914" 


Understanding the Pitman Family Relatives and Activities

East Branch House - William & Winthrop -  opened 1870 burned 1898

Pitman Hall   1905 burned 1930

Pitman's Arch - Named in honor of Lycurgis for his devotion to the Town,

Pitman residence - have photo

Pitman Hall - have photo

Alice Pendexter - wife of John Pitman 1774 had 11 children

Angivine  -  another proprietor of East Branch House - died in 1880

Benjamin - Built Cedarcroft 1800 

Doris - Daughter of William, returned after retirement from a teaching career in 1941 to a              home she and her sister built on the site of the East Branch House that burned. 

Ella -  First wife of George Gale, Maple Villa's owner 

George WM HON) - son of Joseph, father of William & Winthrop

Harriet  - Hazen's daughter 

Hazen - 1854 owned Pequawket House, born 1806, Josephs grandson, died 1890 not                 as ambitious as other family members - wife ran their Inn.

Joseph - came from England 1774 - Revolutionary war privateers-man 1776 

Joseph Jr -1810.  With Wm Stilphen got liquor license and opened at Stilphens Farm

John P.  - Son of Benjamin & Sally - inherited Cedarcroft in 1848 never married - at death                  gave farm to his handyman, a Mr. Howard.  200 acres, best cultivated farm in                        Bartlett -  In 1890 the farm purchased by Uriah Ballard Russell and wife Ann and                  by 1892 they opened it as Inn, and so it was until 1953.

Lycurgis - Area promoter .lived in North Conway and was a druggist.  Brother of Winthrop                and William - Pitman's Arch named in his honor. At considerable expense to                        himself he built a wagon road to the top of Humphry's ledge above the Arch.  

Vashti - in 1930 lived directly across river from East Branch House

Sally Pendexter  - wife of Benjamin

Walter - Pitman Hall proprietor - opened 1889.   an elegant collection of horse drawn                        buckboards of all descriptions. - dance hall with orchestra.  Cousin of Winthrop                  and William.  Expert horseman -  operated livery - brought in horses to sell 

William  - East branch House proprietor

Winthrop -  East branch house proprietor

Mary--   Hazen's first wife

Adna - School teacher in District 3, probably Intervale area, in 1874


Joseph Pitman was an important man in the early settlement, holding many useful offices. No other of the pioneers has so many descendants bearing his name or in positions of honor.  He came from England in 1774 and worked as a privateer during the revolutionary war. 


John Pitman, son of Joseph, lived off from the valley road on the East branch. He married Abby, daughter of Woodman Carlton.  His oldest son, Hazen, is the oldest representative of the family name. He was born January 30, 1806, married, first, Mary, daughter of Joseph Pendexter; second, Eliza H., daughter of Ebenezer and Polly (Huson) Tasker.  He has been much in town office, and fifty years a Methodist church member. He laid the foundations of the Pequawket House by opening a boarding-house in 1854.


It is said that Benjamin Pitman was left a lad on the kindness of his uncle Joseph, who brought him up as his own son. Marrying Sally Pendexter, he located in Jackson, but in a short time came to Bartlett. A stalwart man, orderly and methodical, he was powerful and harmonious in body and mind, and very decided. As a result of the industry of himself and wife, he had one of the largest and best cultivated farms in Bartlett,  Cedarcroft


Benjamin's son, John P. Pitman, was a teacher for many years, prominent in town, and county treasurer of Coos county for three terms. He had a dignified presence and unquestioned integrity. A sterling Democrat, he did much good work in filling the quota of Bartlett in the Civil War. He died unmarried a few years since.



Just over the bridge spanning the East Branch was the East Branch House.  It was established about 1870 and was substantially larger than the other Intervale Hotels with a capacity of 125.  Its rates were comparable to its rivals at $7. to $10.50 per week.  Its guests could actually hear the sound of the stream from their bedroom windows. 










Its owners were two brothers, William and Winthrop M. Pitman, great grandsons of Joseph and Alice (Pendexter) Pitman.  Having grown-up in Intervale they were no strangers to the Hotel business as many of their ancestors and relatives were also Innkeepers in the Intervale area.  The Pitman name was evident in Bartlett's history from the very beginning.  The Hotel they built and operated was a great success with a loyal following.

In 1898 the hotel burned in what was described as an awesome spectacle to those viewing it. 

So loyal were the guests that the year following the fire they held a reunion in Boston, inviting the Pitmans and all the guests who had been regular visitors.  

Hon. George W. M. Pitman 

Son of Joseph and Joanna (Meserve) Pitman, was born in Bartlett, May 8, 1819. He lived with his parents until he was twelve years of age, then went to the tavern of his cousins, Stephen and Ezra Meserve, located where Pitman Brothers' East Branch House now stands, remaining there three years, and then returned to his home. He was educated at the public schools of North Conway and Fryeburg, Maine. In the fall of 1840 he married Emeline, Ann (Davis) Chubbuck, and continued In residence in Bartlett where he has always made his home.


Judge Pitman was engaged in teaching for some five or six years, then in surveying, for which he had fully qualified himself, he has done much in surveying and platting, probably more than any other man in the state, and fully demonstrated his ability that he has frequently been called upon as an expert. Many of the original surveys in the White Mountain region were made by him. Studying law, he began practice in 1855, in which he has continued ever since.


Liberal in religion and a sound Democrat in politics, he has represented all the various town offices, including chairman of the board of selectmen. For twenty years; served as county commissioner from 1856 to 1859, inclusive; judge of probate, 1874 to 1877  (he is said to have been the best for length of service the county has ever had) ; member of the legislature twelve terms, from 1857 to 1869; of the senate in 1870 to 1872 and president of that body during his second term.  He enjoys the distinction of being the only citizen who has been honored by a seat in three constitutional conventions.


Another circumstance concerning the Pitman family is worthy of note: Judge Pitman, his father Joseph, and his son Lycurgus, three generations, have each been chosen state senator.


Judge Pitman has been for many years a man of extensive influence, as s shown by the record of his serving so many terms in important positions. His dignified appearance and affable and genial nature have made him a favorite among the people; while his sterling integrity, ripened judgment, and large experience in public and private affairs have made him a desirable representative to protect their interests.

peququetinn intervale.jpg

Hazen Pitman's Pequawket House

Walter Pitman's Residence in Intervale.  In 1938 it became Matthews Inn until 1942 when it became a private residence.  


Walter Pitman's, Pitman Hall  - opened 1889 - burned 1930


Pitman Hall Garage


George Gale and wife Ella Pitman Gale operated the Maple Villa.  It was said Ella did most of the work.  It was located opposite today's New England Inn.


Walter Pitman's - Pitman Hall


Benjamin Pitman's residence built 1800.  Ben's son, John, inherited the house in 1848, never married and at his death left the house to a Mr. Howard,  the handyman.  In 1890 Mr. Howard sold to Uriah Ballard Russell and his wife Ann.  By 1892 they were operating it as an Inn, and so it remained until 1953. The next owner was Uriah's son, Thomas C. Russell.  The Russell's sold the property in 2014.  Photo courtesy Tommy Russell

Editors Note:  If you find errors, omissions or just plain lies in any of my transcribed articles please take a moment to let me know using the contact link in the menu bar.  Suggested additions are welcome too. 

Thanks, Dave


Incidents in White Mountain history - by Rev. Benjamin G. Willey › genealogy › records › levi-chubbuck_91882748

"The History of Carroll County", 1889, Georgia Drew Merrill › trees › getperson

Bartlett NH - In the Valley of the Saco - Aileen Carroll - 1990

Lucy Crawford's History of the White Mountains - circa 1860



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