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Dundee Area

If you looked on a map you might not find any such place as Dundee.  But, you will find Dundee Road.  It connects the Intervale area of Bartlett to Jackson Village.   This "zoomable" satellite map can be found at


dundee satelite.jpg

Water windlas at a house on Dundee Road.  circa 1940.

From the town column in the April 4, 1895 issue of the
North Conway Reporter:
A little warmer at the present writing.

E.A. and Daniel Dinsmore, who have been representing the Chicago Portrait Co., returned home Saturday night.

G.F. Garland and Frank Locke are working for Walter Pitman.

Mr. and Mrs. Nute are staying with Mr. and Mrs. James Garland this spring.

There was an unknown man slept in Charles Gray's barn, one night last week.

Mrs. E.M. Dinsmore visited her sons at Thorn Hill, last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Parker of Lower Bartlett, are stopping at F.E. Littlefield's.

Mr. and Mrs. W.H.H. Pitman visited at Chatham, last week.

Rumor says that I.W. Hodge of Bartlett, will soon move his family back to his old home.

Mrs. Catherine Andrews Hodge, wife of James H. Hodge, was born in Chatham, and died at her home here, the 15th of February.  Mrs. Hodge had a shock two weeks before her death from which she never rallied.  She was a great suffer to the end.  The funeral was held the 17th, Rev. Andrews of Intervale, officiating; also the Intervale Choir was in attendance.  Several beautiful wreaths of flowers were furnished by relatives.  Mrs. Hodge was a very quiet woman, never going around much.  She will be much missed in the neighborhood.  She leaves a husband and two children, Mrs. Fred E. Littlefield of this place, and John W. Hodge of Bartlett.  We extend sympathy to the relatives.

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This website is managed and edited by Dave Eliason who spent the best part of the last 75 years living in Bartlett.   Dave's comments


Your input of any kind is welcome.  Stories, Pictures, Remembrances, errors in articles or anything else that might be occupying your mind. 


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