Bartlett, NH 03812

Crawford Notch - HART'S LOCATION & livermore
We know neither of these places are part of Bartlett but their proximity and points of interest are worth exploring.
The Livermore collection may be the most comprehensive material to be found all in one place.
The story of the Willey Slide of 1826 has been told many times in many publications but this is one of my favorite versions.
A hundred years of Railroad Section Houses and their occupants, 1880's to the 1990's
Hart's Location - The smallest town in New Hampshire and the first in the Nation to vote. Town Website.


On November 20th 1977 The Abandoned Crawford House burned to the ground. We direct you to the website of White Mountain History.Org for pictures of the fire as it progressed. Link Here (It will open in a new window)
The 10th NH Turnpike through Crawford Notch in the White Mountains, incorporated by the NH Legislature in December 1803, ran westward from the Bartlett / Hart’s Location town line for a distance of 20 miles. In today’s terminology, that would be from about Sawyer’s Rock to the intersection of the Cog Railway Base Station Road with Route 302. It cost a little over $35,000 to build and it was functioning by late 1806. The intent of the investors was to build a road ......snip.......The remainder of this excellent article can be found at the website of White Mountain History. This is the LINK.