Willey, Benjamin G. Incidents in White Mountain History. Boston: Nathaniel Noyes, 1856.
Search the local paper, The Reporter, beginning in 1895. Click the image below: ​​
Incidents in White Mountain history - by Rev. Benjamin G. Willey
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"The History of Carroll County", 1889, Georgia Drew Merrill
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Bartlett NH - In the Valley of the Saco - Aileen Carroll - 1990
Lucy Crawford's History of the White Mountains - circa 1860
Books to look up sometime on a snowy winter night.
Anderson, John, and Morse, Stearns. The Book of the White Mountains. New York: Milton, Balch and Company, 1930
Bailey, Lillian Kenison, Up and Down New Hampshire. Orford, New Hampshire: Equity Publishing Corporation, 1960.
Barrows, John Stuart. Fryeburg, Maine. Fryeburg: Pequawket Press, 1938.
Barstow, George. The History of New Hampshire. Concord: I.S. Boyd, 1842.
Bartlett, John H. Synoptic History of the Granite State. Boston: Donohue, 1939.
Batchellor, Albert Stillman. State of New Hampshire, Town Charters. Vol.XXIV, Town Charters, Vol. I. Concord: Edward N. Pearson, 1894.
_________. State of NewHampshire, Township Grants. Vol. XXVII, Town Charters, Vol. IV, Masonian Papers, Vol. I, Concord: Edward N. Pearson, 1896.
Beals, Charles. Passaconaway in the White Mountains. Boston: Richard Badger, 1916.
Bisbee, Ernest E. The White Mountain Scrapbook. Lancaster, N.H.: The Bisbee Press, 1939.
Bowles, Ella Shannon. Let Me Show You New Hampshire. New York, London: Alfred A. Knopf, 1938
Browne, G. Waldo, and Browne, Rilma Marion. The Story of New Hampshire. Manchester, N.H. : Standard Book Co., Inc., 1925.
Chamber of Commerce, Conway, N.H. On The Eastern Slope of the White Mountains. Manchester: Low A. Cummings Company. 1926
Charlton, Edwin A. New Hampshire As It Is. Claremont: Tracy and Sanford, 1855.
The Conway, N.H. Town Register 1905. Compiled by Mitchell, Hartford and Bean. Brunswick, Maine: H.E. Mitchell Company, 1905.
Drake, Samuel Adams. The Heart of the White Mountains. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1882.
Earle, Alice Morse. Home Life in Colonial Days. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1898.
___________. Stage-Coach and Tavern Days. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1930.
Early, Eleanor. Behold the White Mountains. Boston: Little Brown and Company, 1935
Eastman, Benjamin D. North Conway: Its Surroundings, Its Settlement by English People. A series of twelve articles reprinted from "The Idler," June 22 to September 7, 1880. North Conway: The Reporter Press
Eastman, M. E. East of the White Hills. North Conway; Blanchard's Book Press, 1900.
Evans, George Hill. Pigwacket. Conway Historical Society. Somerville, Mass.: Somerville Printing Company, 1939.
Federal Writers Project. New Hampshire, A Guide to the Granite State. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1938.
Fisher, Margaret, and Fowler, Mary Jane. Colonial America. Grand Rapids, Michigan: The Fideler Company, 1969.
Forbes, Allan, and Eastman, Ralph M. Tavern and Stage Coaches of New England. 2 vols. Boston: The Rand Press, 1954.
Gibson, Harvey D. Harvey Dow Gibson. North Conway, N.H.: The Reporter Press, 1951.
Guyol, Philip N. Democracy Fights. Hanover: Dartmouth Publications, 1951.
Hammond, Isaac W. Documents Relating to Towns in New Hampshire. Vol.XI. Concord, N. H.: Parsons B. Cogswell, State Printer, 1882.
Head, Natt. Report of the Adjutant-General of the State of New Hampshire. 2 vols. Concord, N.H.: George E. Jenks, State Printer, 1866.
Johnson, Frances Ann. New Hampshire for Young Folks. Concord: The Sugar Ball Press, 1951.
Kilbourne, Frederick W. Chronicles of the White Mountains. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1916.
King, Thomas Starr. The White Hills. Boston: Crosby, Nichols and Company, 1860.
Lawrence, Robert F. The New Hampshire Churches. Claremont, N.H.: The Claremont Manufacturing Company, 1856.
Mason, Ellen McRoberts. "North Conway-among-the-mountains," The Granite Monthly, Vol XIX, No. 1 (July 1895).
_________. "North Conway Public Library." The Granite Monthly, Vol. 59, No. 2 (February 1927.)
__________. "Town of Conway," The Granite Monthly, Vol. XX, No. 6 (June 1896.)
Masta, Henry. Abenaki Indian Legends, Grammar and Place Names. Odanak, P.Q., 1932.
McClintock, John N. History of New Hampshire. Boston: B.B. Russell, Cornhill, 1889.
Merrill, Georgia Drew. History of Carroll County, New Hampshire. Boston: W. A. Ferguson and Co., 1889.
Merrill, Richard Eastman. "Early Settlers of Conway," The Granite Monthly, Vol XXXIX, No. 7 (July 1907.)
Metcalf, Henry H. One Thousand New Hampshire Notables. Concord: The Rumford Printing Company. 1919.
New Hampshire, Its History and Settlement and Provincial Period. Concord: State Board of Education, 1938.
North Conway Board of Trade. North Conway and Vicinity. Boston: E. H. Pierce, Printer, 1891.
Nute, Helen Elizabeth. Historic North Conway, Part I. North Conway, New Hampshire: The Reporter Press, 1961.
Osgood, James R, The White Mountains: A Handbook for Travellers. Boston: Ticknow and Company, 1885.
Pillsbury, Hobart. New Hampshire, Resources, Attractions, and Its People, 5 vols. New York: The Lewis Historical Publishing Co., Inc., 1927.
Poole Ernest. The Great White Hills of New Hampshire. Boston: Doubleday Doran, 1946.
Ridlon, G.T., Jr. Saco Valley Settlements. Portland, Maine: Published by the author, 1895
Robinson, Mabel Louise. Writing for Young People. New York: Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1950
Rochford, Daniel. "New England Ski Trails," The National Geographic Magazine, Vol LXX, Number 5 (November 1936.)
Sanborn, Edwin. History of New Hampshire. Manchester, N.H.: John B. Clarke, 1875.
Social Studies Guide for New Hampshire Elementary Schools. Concord: New Hampshire Department of Education, July 1951.
Spaulding, John. Historical Relics of the White Mountains. Boston: Noyes, 1855.
Squires, James Duane. The Granite State of the United States. 4 vols. New York: The American Historical Company, Inc., 1956.
A Time Before New Hampshire: The Story of a Land and Native Peoples By Michael J. Caduto
Town of Conway, N.H. Annual Reports of the Selectmen. 1854-1900.
Willey, Benjamin G. Incidents in White Mountain History. Boston: Nathaniel Noyes, 1856.
Unpublished Documents
Appleton, David. "Schools," Paper read before the Conway Historical Society, Conway, N.H., April 9, 1959.
Bailey, Lillian Kenison. "Up and Down New Hampshire." Unpublished Master's project, Plymouth Teachers College, 1959.
Berry, Persis. "History of the Libraries of Conway." Paper read before the Conway Historical Society, Conway, N.H., October 15, 1959.
Blouin, Abbie M.D. "History of the Center Conway Schools, 1847-1914." Paper read at the dedication of Pine Tree School, Fall 1914.
Breon, Marjorie H. "History of the Memorial Hospital." Paper read before the Conway Hisorical Society, Conway, N.H.
Church, Richard L. "The Coming and Passing of Passenger Service on the Conway Branch." Paper read before the Conway Historical Society, Conway, N.H. July 15, 1962.
Dinsmore, Fred W. "Old Stores of Conway Center, N.H.," September 20, 1942; and "Old Stores of North Conway," September 27, 1942. Papers on file with the Conway, N.H. Historical Society.
Dixon, Marion P. "The Musical History of Conway." Paper read before the Conway Historical Society, Conway, N.H., April 10, 1941.
"Fiftieth Anniversary of the Church and Dedication of the Parish House." The Second Congregational Church. Conway, New Hampshire: June 24, 1956. (Pamphlet)
Hallamore, Warren S. "The Kancamagus Highway Story." Paper prepared for the Silver Anniversary of the Conway Historical Society, The Conways, New Hampshire, June 26, 1960.
"A History of the First Baptist Church of North Conway, N.H." 1936. (Pamphlet)
Leadbeater, Helen M. Letter written to Dr. James G. Andrew, Conway, N.H., in January 1960.
"Manual of the First Church of Christ in North Conway, N.H." North Conway: W.H.Jacobs, March 1889.
Mason, Ruth. "The Quarry at Redstone." Paper written for the Conway Historical Society, Conway, N. H., and filed on March 18, 1961.
Parker, William B. "Passaconaway." Paper on file with the Conway, H.H. Historical Society.
Perkins, Edith C. "Redstone." Paper read before the Conway Historical Society, Conway, N.H., July 12, 1951.
Randall, H. Harrison. "The Story of the Operation of the Randall Hotels for over Fifty Years." Paper read before the Conway Historical Society, Conway, N.H., January 17, 1958.
"Solemn Dedication of St. Charles Church, Conway, N.H." July 1951. (Pamphlet)